This year has come with many unexpected twists and turns along the way. If you’re in the conference and event industry, you know it has been especially challenging to navigate the course of action to take that is best for your attendees. Should I cancel my conference? Should I postpone it to a later date? What if I still want to host it in-person but don’t have as many attendees as originally expected? We’ve compiled a list of a few tips and tricks on how to proceed with hosting a safe & successful in-person conference:
- Make it a Hybrid Event
A hybrid event is a conference or meeting that serves as a combination of both an in-person meeting and a virtual, livestreamed event. Hybrid events are growing increasingly popular because they allow attendees that do still want to attend the meeting in-person do so, while allowing others who may be uncomfortable traveling or attending the live event tune in from the comfort of their own home. They are cost efficient and a great way to satisfy both parties.
- Socially Distance your Attendees
Six feet apart has quickly become the new normal in today’s time. Whether it’s shopping in the grocery store, walking on the street or waiting in line to go inside a business, you are bound to see signage about maintaining a six-foot distance. This concept applies to conferences as well. Spacing out your attendees to sit six-feet apart and placing signage around the meeting space to maintain a six-foot distance at all times is a great way to enforce this guideline.
- Have Attendees Pre-Register Online in Advance
This concept applies to conference registration, signing up for breakout meetings, listing food allergies, and much more. Having attendees complete as much as they can prior to walking up to the registration desk allows for less in-person contact. Additionally, having attendees register for breakout meetings in advance and setting a cap on the number of people allowed in each meeting space allows them to set up their schedule for the day in advance and in turn, creates a seamless event.
- Contactless Check-In with a QR Code
Providing each attendee with a custom QR code will allow them to register for the conference online and scan their mobile device when they arrive at the registration desk and at breakout spaces. QR codes are easy to set-up and help to reduce lines and the overall check-in time.
- Create a Flow for the Meeting Space
Maybe you’ve been to a store lately and seen directional arrows for which aisles to walk down and the way traffic should flow. This same concept can carry over to your convention. Whether its placing directions stickers on the ground or added signage around the meeting spaces and common areas, this will allow foot traffic to flow in an organized, single direction.
We are all in this together & we look forward to hosting your next in-person meeting!